Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Let’s be honest, girls don’t always get their fair share. In many countries throughout the world, girls are routinely pushed into housework, caring for younger siblings, and doing other daily chores that keep them from fully taking advantage of the education available to them. More often than not, girls fall behind in education and get left behind due to family obligations and teen pregnancy. Girls are often seen as a bad investment because they will be married into other families, whereas boys can labor, earn money, and bring in a wife and children to support parents as they age. It’s not exactly fair, but it’s what happens.

However, it doesn’t always have to happen. Teach a girl to dream, and she’ll conquer the world (I’m getting there). It just takes a little extra, focused effort to show girls what they are capable of. Not everyone is lucky enough to be instilled with the belief that they are capable of anything, and even if they are, how many girls around the world have access to the education, resources, and all kinds of support systems that will carry them through their adolescence into a successful future? Dreaming big requires a strong foundation, and it takes a lot of work just to get started.

So we are having a GLOW conference. Girls Leading Our World. In an attempt to start the foundation that will lead to big changes and monumental dreams, a group of us PCVs in Samoa are putting on a conference for girls. We want to emphasize the importance of education in leading to a wider variety of careers. Not a passive education, either. We want these girls to pay attention, do, and strive. We will have presentations on leadership that teach girls how to set goals and achieve them, while also avoiding those things that make life significantly harder. We want to show these girls how to lead a healthy, balanced life that will allow them to try more, do more, and be more. It’s a big dream, but we’ve gotta start somewhere.

Best of all, you can help. Instead of talking about that person you know on a tiny little dot in the ocean, you can impact the lives of so many girls on that tiny little dot in the ocean so maybe their world will be a little bigger. Please help us by donating to our project. Big ideas usually require big funding, but fortunately the exchange rate works in our favor. Together we make the world better.

You can donate by following this link:

Or by going here:
and searching for project number 491-028

It’s kind of a funky-lookin page because it comes in a standard Peace Corps set-up that we don’t get to customize for our project. Just scroll down a bit and make sure it says something about “Karen Corey” (or just Karen or just Corey) and GLOW and you’ve got the right place. We are raising funds to pay for the cost of a renting a conference room for one day, breakfast and lunch for all participants, honorariums for presenters, and certificates and small gifts for the girls attending.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Some pictures from around town. Some are taken at 5 o'clock on a Saturday night, pre-independence. Some are of the beautification efforts pre-independence, and some are of the independence festivities. See if you can guess which is which.

Monday, June 4, 2012

What Time is the Bus?

Have I made it abundantly clear how much I love the bus in Samoa? As with most quirky things, it generally garners cute adoration because of its lovable strangeness, but those times when it is annoying…throwing it off a cliff isn’t enough to express the frustration it causes. My buses have been particularly whacked out recently for various reasons, so I am going to recount for you some of the adventures I have had with my bus lately.

But first, the basics. I have three buses in my district. They leave between 6 and 7 in the morning, then one comes back to make a second trip to town at about 1 in the afternoon. The Queen Loma leaves town at about 12 or 12:30, the cushy bus leaves around 2 or 2:30, and the Faamanuiaga leaves town around 10:30 (for the second trip) and 5 (last bus of the day). On Fridays, the Queen Loma has started making a second trip, so I get two afternoon buses, one getting to the village around 12, and the other showing up around 1. On Saturdays, the buses usually only make one trip, but the Queen Loma also added a second trip on Saturdays, so it gets to the village around 12, back to town, then leaves town at 3 and returns to the village around 5. My buses always leave from the flea market, they usually circle around to the vegetable market, and then come back to the flea market before leaving town, and they all stop at the same petrol station outside of town. This is important. These are all rough estimates subject to change depending on holidays, mechanical stability of the buses, and faalavelaves (funerals, special church events, etc. for which individual buses are hired to drive large groups of people instead of running on their regular schedule).

Maybe three months ago, the Queen Loma broke down. It’s not unusual for a bus to be out of rotation for a few days due to mechanical issues, but after it hadn’t been running for two weeks, I was a little confused. I asked around and found out that the part that needed replacing was coming from New Zealand and the bus wasn’t expected to be running again until Independence (fast forward to now). Man, what a pain in the butt. I really liked having the second afternoon bus on Fridays and a late bus on Saturdays, but I had lived without them for over a year and surely I could make it through the next three months. There was some accommodation – the village bus from the very edge of my district which usually exclusively serves its own village started taking people from all the villages home because it left Apia at about the same time the Queen Loma would normally have left, but everything else stayed pretty much the same.

Surprisingly, the Queen Loma was up and running again ahead of schedule, just at the end of term 1 of school, almost a month sooner than expected, and just in time for the cushy bus to break down. One in, one out. This was inconvenient timing because it coincided with the beginning of the school break and a major church meeting – the EFKS church holds a national two-week meeting, so buses were extra full with commuters going to the meeting. I went into town one day before I left for Fiji to run some errands. It would have been ideal for me to take my cushy bus home (leaves town at 2), but it was out of commission, so I tried to rush through my errands to catch the Queen Loma earlier instead of waiting for the last bus home, which would again be packed with people returning from the meeting. I finished most of my errands, dropped my bags off on the bus to make sure I would get a seat, and double checked what time the bus would be leaving. It was just before noon, and I was told the bus would leave at one. Perfect, I only had two more stops and that would give me time to get back to the bus early in case it decided to leave early. I walked a few blocks into town, made my stops, and was just leaving to get a snack and by sheer chance happened to look down the street just as my bus drove by the intersection. What? My watch said 12:18, you weren’t supposed to be leaving yet. So I hightailed it back to the bus station and caught the bus second time around. This was lucky because just a week or two earlier, something similar happened when I was trying to take my 2:30 bus. I was told it would leave at 2:30, so I left my bags on the bus, went to meet friends for ice cream, and came back to the bus station just after 2 to catch the bus, and it had already gone. I had to take a taxi to the petrol station to catch it because it hadn’t circled around the markets before leaving – I had missed it.

When I got back from Fiji, I went into town every single day. This was partly due to getting ready for Independence and wanting to catch some of the festivities planned for our golden year, and partly due to the fact that it was the last week of our term break, and so it was the last opportunity to make plans with other PCVs during the day. Everything about town was a nightmare because of the holiday. There were at least twice as many people as normal, traffic was awful, and there were new lines painted all over the road in an attempt to spiff things up for the holiday. It looked great – I loved the decorations, and the fresh coat of paint on everything was nice and clean – but the new lines, and the police officers enforcing the use of the lines, made the bus even more confusing. Not only was the normal bus schedule out the window because of the holiday (since when does my last bus reach my village at 5? You’re supposed to leave town at 5), but now I had no idea where I was supposed to catch my bus because there were cones all over the place and certain areas were blocked off…good grief. For the entire week, I spent an awful lot of time hoping my bus was coming and that I hadn’t actually missed it. I had a few close calls, but in the end, I always caught my bus. I hear things have returned to normal now that the holiday is over, but I haven’t been back into town yet to check it out. I need a break from the bus because I’m about ready to throw it over a cliff.